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photo SIB Number Family Taxon Collector Country Year Type
picture available 457521/1 Ranunculaceae Ranunculus aucheri var. bungeanus Boiss. not recorded  - not recorded World not recorded
picture available 457519/1 Ranunculaceae Ranunculus aucheri Boiss. not recorded  - not recorded World not recorded
picture available 457520/1 Ranunculaceae Ranunculus aucheri Boiss. not recorded  - not recorded World not recorded
picture available 111752/2 Ranunculaceae Ranunculus aucheri Boiss. Aucher-Eloy, P. M. R.  - 4006 Iran, Islamic Republic of s.d. HOLOTYPUS
Ranunculus aucheri Boiss.
picture available 111752/1 Ranunculaceae Ranunculus aucheri Boiss. Aucher-Eloy, P. M. R.  - 4006 Iran, Islamic Republic of s.d. ISOTYPUS
Ranunculus aucheri Boiss.