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photo SIB Number Family Taxon Collector Country Year Type
76437/1 Orchidaceae Cyclopogon elatus (Sw.) Schltr. Caley, G.  - s.n. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines s.d.
76438/1 Orchidaceae Cyclopogon elatus (Sw.) Schltr. Caley, G.  - s.n. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines s.d.
90864/1 Orchidaceae Cyclopogon elatus (Sw.) Schltr. Mereles, F. & M. Soloaga  - 7325 Paraguay 1998
76439/1 Orchidaceae Cyclopogon elatus (Sw.) Schltr. Caley, G.  - s.n. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines s.d.