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Meister, Christian [Inst.]; Piuz, André [Inst.], 2015 Cretaceous ammonites from the sultanate of Oman (Adam Foothills) Notice détaillée |
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Piuz, André [Inst.]; Meister, Christian [Inst.]; Vicedo, Vicent, 2014 New Alveolinoidea (Foraminifera) from the Cenomanian of Oman Notice détaillée |
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Meister, Christian [Inst.]; Piuz, André [Inst.], 2013 Late Cenomanian - Early Turonian ammonites of the southern Tethys margin from Morocco to Oman: biostratigraphy, paleobiogeography and morphology Notice détaillée |
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Piuz, André [Inst.]; Meister, Christian [Inst.], 2013 Cenomanian rotaliids (Foraminiferida) from Oman and Morocco Notice détaillée |
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Lienhard, Charles [Inst.]; Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes; Gnos, Edwin [Inst.]; Hollier, John A. [Inst.]; Eggenberger, Urs; Piuz, André [Inst.], 2012 Microcrystals coating the wing membranes of a living insect (Psocoptera: Psyllipsocidae) from a Brazilian cave Notice détaillée |
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Cavin, Lionel [Inst.]; Alexopoulos, Apostolos; Piuz, André [Inst.], 2012 Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) ray-finned fishes from the island of Gavdos, southern Greece, with comments on the evolutionary history of the aulopiform teleost Enchodus Notice détaillée |
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Cavin, Lionel [Inst.]; Avanzini, Marco; Bernardi, Massimo; Piuz, André [Inst.]; Proz, Pierre-Alain [Inst.]; Meister, Christian [Inst.]; Boissonnas, Jean; Meyer, Christian A., 2012 New vertebrate trackways from the autochthonous cover of the Aiguilles Rouges Massif and reevaluation of the dinosaur record in the Valais, SW Switzerland Notice détaillée |
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Cavin, Lionel [Inst.]; Tong-Buffetaut, Haiyan; Boudad, Larbi; Meister, Christian [Inst.]; Piuz, André [Inst.]; Tabouelle, Jérôme; Aarab, Mohammed; Amiot, Romain; Buffetaut, Eric; Dyke, Gareth J., 2010 Vertebrate assemblages from the early Late Cretaceous of southeastern Morocco : an overview Notice détaillée |
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Rimet, F.; Couté, A.; Piuz, André [Inst.]; Berthon, V.; Druart, Jean-Claude, 2010 Achnanthidum druartii sp. nov. (Achnanthales, Bacillariophyta), a new species invading European rivers Notice détaillée |
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Piuz, André [Inst.], 2008 Associations microfaunistiques de la plateforme échinodermique bajocienne du Jura et de Bourgogne : implications paléoenvironnementales Notice détaillée |