Camp of “missionary François Coillard’s caravan on the route to the Zambezi”
Photographer not documented
1877. Photographic print
Collection du Musée des missions, no 689
MEG ETHAF 005382
On 23 August 1885, the second expedition led by François Coillard (1834-1904) from Lesotho finally crossed the Zambezi River to found a Protestant mission in the heart of the Lozi kingdom. The sovereign Lewanika (1842-1916) authorized the establishment of a station near his capital Lealui. For more than twenty years, the Paris Mission and the Churches of Lesotho had been trying in vain to extend their influence to the Zimbabwean and Zambians territories, in an attempt to reach sotho speakers. The 1877-1879 expedition, illustrated by this photograph, had failed. F. Morin/MEG