Quatre ans chez les Achantis : journal de MM. Ramseyer et Kuhne pendant le temps de leur captivité
Johannes Kühne, Friedrich August Ramseyer
Paris: Sandoz & Fischbacher; Neuchâtel: Librairie. J. Sandoz, Neuchâtel: L.-A. Borel. 1876
MEG Library, PR AF 35

In the 19th century, Wesleyan Methodists and Basel Mission Protestants settled on the shores of the Gold Coast (today Ghana), in the heart of the Fante States which at the time had a trading alliance with the British Empire. Their powerful Asante neighbour resisted the colonial administration’s presence.
In 1869, during an Asante attack in Fante territory, Anum station was set on fire and the Neuchâtelois pastors Kühne and Ramseyer, the latter with his family, were captured. They would be detained in Kumasi by order of the sovereign, the Asantehene Kofi Karikari, until 1874. F. Morin/MEG
