ETHEU 000749

cachets en pierre (2 pièces)

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Religious bread stamps with apotropaic formulas
19th century
Saccharoid limestone
Gift of Eugène Pittard in 1902; collected in 1901
MEG Inv. ETHEU 000749
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Copie dactylographiée en 13 volumes de l'Inventaire original MEG manuscrit

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No fieldwork without theory

Fieldwork provides the ethnographer with ordinary or special objects which become "evidence" of a people and its customs. Collecting such objects is inseparable from the interpretation of these signs of life. Seeing Roman Antiquity in the form of objects brought back from Romania, Eugène Pittard inscribed the population itself in the long time frame of unchanging traditions.

© 2021 Musée d'ethnographie, Genève