ETHAS 017194

Chine brique de la Grande Muraille

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Brick from the Great Wall of China
China, northwest of Beijing
Gift of Alice Bertrand in 1940; collected by Alfred Bertrand in 1879
MEG Inv. ETHAS 017194
Aujourd’hui considérée comme du vandalisme, la pratique consistant à rapporter un «morceau» de monument était alors monnaie courante.

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Copie dactylographiée en 13 volumes de l'Inventaire original MEG manuscrit

Registre d'inventaire original - non indexé


Exoticism as taste

The word "exoticism" refers to something that is foreign to us, but also the attraction of strangeness and an imaginary elsewhere. So, for museum goers, the objects that the explorers brought back were charged with dreams of adventure.

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