ETHAM 053454

vase anthropomorphe

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Bottle in the shape of a Mochica warrior
Peru, north coast
Mochica. 3rd – 9th century
Gift of Suzanne Pingoud in 1998
MEG Inv. ETHAM 053454
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This ritual bottle is in the shape of a warrior on one knee, gripping a club. As a sign of his rank, he is wearing a circular nose ornament which hides his lips. Archaeological finds have confirmed that fights between warriors followed by the sacrifice of the losers were part of the most important rituals organised by the Mochica rulers

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Pre-Columbian South America

Pre-Columbian cultural history is just as spectacular in South America as it is in Mesoamerica. This region also developed agriculture independently and, from the fourth century, formed states, without writing, the wheel or a market economy. The objects on display mostly come from the Andean region, particularly from Peru, the centre of complex societies and the greatest cultural deployment in this continent.

The Mochica culture

La culture Moché ou Mochica, s’est développée le long de la côte nord du Pérou, entre le 1er et le 8e siècle. Les fouilles archéologiques ont mis au jour de vastes aires domestiques, des temples, des palais et des mausolées contenant des tombes spectaculaires. À partir des abondantes ressources maritimes du Pacifique et d’un système d’irrigation sophistiqué, les Mochica ont prospéré et se sont donné les moyens de développer ce qui semble être l’une des sociétés les plus élaborés du Pérou ancien.

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