ETHOC K000106

herminette cérémonielle

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Ceremonial adze
Cook Islands, Mangaia
Early 19th century
Stone, wood, plant fibre
Gift from the French seafarer Adolphe Salomon to the Academy Museum in 1839; collected during Abel Aubert du Petit-Thouars' voyage around the world.
MEG Inv. ETHOC K000106
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Exoticism as taste

The word "exoticism" refers to something that is foreign to us, but also the attraction of strangeness and an imaginary elsewhere. So, for museum goers, the objects that the explorers brought back were charged with dreams of adventure.

Our exotic objects

The baroque ornamentation of a mancala board reveals a European’s passion for a game played throughout Africa and Asia, and taken by slaves to the Caribbean.


  • Fuerst, René. 1994. Bois sculptés des mers du sud. Ivrea (Italie) : Priuli & Verlucca, Musée d'ethnographie de Genève, Pages 19 et 24

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