ETHMU K000134

flûte à encoche en fémur humain

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Notched flute made from a human femur
Mid 18th century?
Gift of Ami Butini, Genevan settler in Surinam, to the Public Library in 1759
MEG Inv. ETHMU K000134

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Copie dactylographiée en 13 volumes de l'Inventaire original MEG manuscrit

Registre K
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Registre K
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Human Remains

Strange objects and natural history

The first of what we now call “ethnographic objects” entered the Genevan collections in the 18th century, at a turning point in history. Around 1750, the ambition to construct scientific knowledge of the world competed with curiosity about strangeness. Voyages of exploration, maritime trade, evangelisation and colonisation facilitated the acquisition of souvenirs, trophies or collections.

The natural science of mankind

The young science of ethnography was modelled on the natural sciences. Specimens were studied and exchanged with other institutions to build up series. Peoples thought to be “in the early stages of civilisation” were studied in the same way as their natural environment.

Frontispiece of: Jean Nieuhof, Legatio batavia…or Ambassade de la Compagnie orientale des Provinces-Unies vers l’Empereur de la Chine… Amsterdam, 1668. ©Bibliothèque de Genève


  • Montandon, G.. 1919. La généalogie des instruments de musique et les cycles de civilisation. Genève :, p 69 fig 137, p 115 no XI, 43
  • Izikowitz, K.G.. 1935. Musical Instruments of the South American Indians. Göteborg :, p 308 et suiv.
  • Buyssens, Danielle. 2009. Chemins d'Objets, routes d'esclaves et réseaux de pensée. MEG. TOTEM 54 sept-déc. 2009., 14-15

© 2021 Musée d'ethnographie, Genève