ETHAS K000237

Chine coupe rituelle en corne de rhinocéros

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Ritual cup bei
18th century
Rhinoceros horn
Gift of Mr du Crest de Cologny, sergeant in the Swiss Guards in France, to the Public Library in 1758
MEG Inv. ETHAS K000237
La corne de rhinocéros avait la réputation de contrer les poisons.

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Copie dactylographiée en 13 volumes de l'Inventaire original MEG manuscrit

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Strange objects and natural history

The first of what we now call “ethnographic objects” entered the Genevan collections in the 18th century, at a turning point in history. Around 1750, the ambition to construct scientific knowledge of the world competed with curiosity about strangeness. Voyages of exploration, maritime trade, evangelisation and colonisation facilitated the acquisition of souvenirs, trophies or collections.


The "wonders" donated to the Public Library by Genevan citizens or visiting travellers resonated with the books in its collection. Mysterious objects and travel stories told of the surprising encounter with an often fantasised elsewhere.


  • Buyssens, Danielle. 2002. "Le premier musée de Genève", in "La Bibliothèque étant un ornement public...". Genève : Bibliothèque publique, 124

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