ETHAM 012470

gobelet "kero"

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Ritual goblet kero
Peru, region of Ica
Inca. 14th – 16th century
Acquired in Paris in 1930
MEG Inv. ETHAM 012470
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These wood goblets, shown to be from the colonial period by the coloured pigments on two of them, are often in pairs. Customary gifts in complex ritual exchanges between groups or individuals, they were used for drinking chicha (maize beer). These libations sealed agreements of all kinds, such as work in the fields, building roads or making peace.

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Copie dactylographiée en 13 volumes de l'Inventaire original MEG manuscrit

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Pre-Columbian South America

Pre-Columbian cultural history is just as spectacular in South America as it is in Mesoamerica. This region also developed agriculture independently and, from the fourth century, formed states, without writing, the wheel or a market economy. The objects on display mostly come from the Andean region, particularly from Peru, the centre of complex societies and the greatest cultural deployment in this continent.

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