ETHAS 015607

Household buddhist altar (Butsudan)

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Domestic Buddhist altar butsudan 佛壇
18th century
Carved, gilt wood, ironwork
Gift of Edmond Rochette in 1938; acquired by him in Kyōto in 1890
MEG Inv. ETHAS 015607
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En forme de palais (kuden 宮殿), le temple abrite la Triade du Buddha Amida (Amida Sanzon 阿彌陀三尊).
Sur les portes, badge héraldique du "revers de chrysanthème à seize pétales" d'un prince du sang (jūroku uragiku 十六裏菊).
Au centre : le Buddha Amida (Amida Butsu 阿彌陀佛);
sur sa gauche : le Bodhisattva Avalokitasvara (Kannon 觀音) tendant un lotus au mourant;
sur sa droite, le Bodhisattva Mahāsthāmaprāpta (Daiseishi 大勢至).

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Copie dactylographiée en 13 volumes de l'Inventaire original MEG manuscrit

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Ethnography and international relations

Diplomatic gifts are often made of “typical” objects. They refer to a self-image more or less stereotyped, which was highly integrated and/or known expected. Generally rooted in the past, this picture supports the idea of continuity of people through their traditions. It contributes then to the legitimacy of nations. Its close links with the League of Nations have earned MEG many of these political donations.

Diplomats on the ground

Diplomatic function was for them the opportunity to develop an intimate knowledge of their home ground: the Frenchman Léonce Angrand, a recognised specialist of the Andean world, or Switzerland’s Edmond Rochette, an expert on Kyoto society, transmitted objects to MEG that they had long kept as souvenirs. As for the woman of letters Yamata Kiku, her dual Japanese and French culture made her a sensitive and perceptive mediator.

Chaplains asking for alms during Holy Week in Lima (Peru), watercolour by Léonce Angrand dated 16 March 1837. ©Bibliothèque nationale de France, Estampes et cartes


  • Rochette, Edmond. 1893. Lettres du Japon. Genève

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