ETHEU 031253

poupée foklorique, représentant une paysanne

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Hungarian peasant dolls
Hungary, Debrecen
Felt, textiles, wire
Gift of the Hungarian government in 1936
MEG Inv. ETHEU 031253
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Copie dactylographiée en 13 volumes de l'Inventaire original MEG manuscrit

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Ethnography and international relations

Diplomatic gifts are often made of “typical” objects. They refer to a self-image more or less stereotyped, which was highly integrated and/or known expected. Generally rooted in the past, this picture supports the idea of continuity of people through their traditions. It contributes then to the legitimacy of nations. Its close links with the League of Nations have earned MEG many of these political donations.

© 2021 Musée d'ethnographie, Genève