ETHAS 048609

Tibet thangka 35 Buddha de confession (ss cadre)

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The 35 confession Buddhas
19th century
painting on court on, brocade
Himavati donation in 1990
These 35 buddhas are invoked by the monks when they confess their violations of the precepts, twice a month. In the centre is the Śākyamuni Buddha surrounded by his two main disciples, in turn flanked by Vajrasattva and Padmasambhava. They are surrounded by the 34 other confession buddhas. At the top: Vajradhāra Buddha, surrounded by Prajñāpāramitā and the master Sakyapandita (15th century).

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Inventaire original MEG. Registres tapuscrits, volumes 19 à 59


Tibetan Buddhist iconography

Buddhism spread to the Roof of the World in the 7th century and Tibetan Buddhism is deeply Tantric. As in Japan, its iconography is extremely rich and coded. It accentuates the representation of the masters and their teaching. As in the other Buddhist countries, paintings and statues are part of a consecration ritual, which incites the divinities shown in the images to come and live in them.


  • Eracle, Jean. 1993. Thanka de l'Himalaya, images de la sagesse. Genève / Ivrea : Musée d'ethnographie / Priuli & Verlucca, no 17, MEG Carl-Vogt,

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