Site map
Navigation and comments
- Welcome
- Simple Search (perform your search in a google-style way, using only one field)
- Access to the Advanced Search
- The various databases of CJB
Simple Search(full text)
- This research engine is Google-type.
Advanced Search
- Perform your search combining several fields
Search Results
- List of retrieved specimens
- Map specimens using Goole maps
- Export the list in PDF format
- Export the list in CVS format
- Select and store in basket
- Access to image(s) of a specimen (if available)
- Display the details of a selected item in the results list
- Map specimens using Goole maps
- Export in PDF format
- Export in CSV format
- Access to image(s) of a specimen (if available)
- Display the details of a selected item
- Erase selected items from basket
Details of the Item
Informations related to the specimen, with possibility to:
- Export these informations (including the image(s)) in PDF format (Description thumbnail)
- Access to the item of others specimens of the same collection (Description thumbnail)
- Map the specimens using Goole Maps (Maps thumbnail)
- Access to image(s) of the specimen (Images thumbnail)
- Select and download an image (Images thumbnail)
- Read/Add comments regarding the specimen (Annotation thumbnail)
- Order an image (Order thumbnail)
- Send an email to the Herbarium staff
- Assistance regarding the website and its search engine