ETHAS 021383

Tibet thangka Tsongkhapa

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The reformer Tsongkhapa and his disciples
18th century
Painting on cotton
Early collection

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In the centre: Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), founder of the Gelugpa school. At the top: Śākyamuni Buddha, with Nāgārjuna and Aryadeva. Top right: Tuṣita Paradise, where Mañjuśrī bodhisattva comes down to earth in the form of Tsongkhapa; left: Sukhāvatī of Amitābha Buddha, where Tsongkhapa went to be born after his death. Lower right: the protectors Yama and Yamī; left: the God Vaiśravana; in the cave sheltering the great mystic Milarepa.

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Tibetan Buddhist iconography

Buddhism spread to the Roof of the World in the 7th century and Tibetan Buddhism is deeply Tantric. As in Japan, its iconography is extremely rich and coded. It accentuates the representation of the masters and their teaching. As in the other Buddhist countries, paintings and statues are part of a consecration ritual, which incites the divinities shown in the images to come and live in them.


  • Eracle, Jean. 1993. Thanka de l'Himalaya, images de la sagesse. Genève / Ivrea : Musée d'ethnographie / Priuli & Verlucca, no 37, MEG Carl-Vogt,
  • ERACLE, Jean et DUCOR, Jérôme. 2003. Thangka de l'Himalaya, Images de la sagesse. Deuxième édition revue et augmentée. Genève: Musée d'ethnographie / Ivrea: Priuli & Verlucca., 74, MEG AS 3827
  • Eracle, Jean. 1970. L'art des thanka, 100-101

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