ETHAM 034549

Encensoir avec effigie de saurien

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Censer with a lizard on top
Costa Rica, Guanacaste province
Potosi style. 5th – 9th century
Acquired in Geneva in 1969
MEG Inv. ETHAM 034549
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Copie dactylographiée en 13 volumes de l'Inventaire original MEG manuscrit

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Copie dactylographiée en 13 volumes de l'Inventaire original MEG manuscrit

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Pre- Columbian Mesoamerica

Mesoamerica is a cultural area stretching from Mexico to the north of Costa Rica. This region has witnessed outstanding cultural and economic achievements: the beginnings of agriculture, the development of complex societies, trade, writing systems and calendars. The Zapotecs and Mayas in the south and the Aztecs in the central plateau of Mexico figure among the most remarkable pre-Columbian cultures.


  • SCHOEPF, Daniel. 1995. Autoportraits du Nouveau Monde: collection précolombienne. Aoste : Priuli & Verlucca / Musée d'ethnographie de Genève, 60, MEG - ET AM 2368

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